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Zhodani Calendar

The Zhodani calendar is based on the period of Zhodane around Plebor, its star. The Zhodani Shen (year) is 275.19 standard days (or 244.44 zhodanstial, Zhodane's day) in length, and is divided into six Shider of 40 zhodanstial, separated by one day holidays. Zhodani dating uses Thecuzodij (olympiad), which are three Shen. A Zhodani date is written as: Thecuzodij.Shen Slider/Zilodanstial, with special holiday names replacing the Shider/Zhodanstial where appropriate. For example 001-0000 Imperial (the date-the Imperium was founded) is equivalent to 2979.1 Atrint/7.